Human Sea : an ERC Advanced Grant
ERC Advanced Grants allow research leaders to pursue ground-breaking, high-risk projects that open new directions
Project duration
From 2014-03-01 to 2019-02-28.
Project details
ERC Grant Agreement N°: 340770
Project title : The development of human activities at sea - What legal framework ? "For a new maritime Law"
Programme acronym: HUMAN SEA
Status: Execution.
Total cost: EUR 1 761 720
EU contribution: EUR 1 761 720
Call for Proposals ERC-2013 AdG
Seventh Framework Programme: SP2-Ideas
Contract type: ERC Advanced Grant
Recruitment : 4 postdoctoral scholars ; 2 Phd Students ; 1 manager
Principal Investigator
Patrick Chaumette, Professor of Law, Law Faculty of the University of Nantes, Director of the Maritime and Oceanic Law Centre (EA n°1165), member of the Institut Mer et Littoral (IUML FR CNRS n°3473), member of the Observatoire des Droits des Marins.
Host Institution & beneficiaries
University of Nantes (legal entity and beneficiary), France, hosted by the USR n° 3491 MSH Ange-Guépin, Nantes, France
To know more
ERC Website
Mis à jour le 03 juillet 2017.