2018 International Colloquium

La transformation du droit de l’océan par l'exigence de conservation de l'environnement marin

Transforming the ocean law by requirement of the marine environment conservation

Plenary Session and International Junior Conference, 15 and 16 October 2018
at La Cité, Nantes Events Center

National Junior Conference, 17 October 2018
at Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Ange-Guépin, Nantes

The goal is to attempt a synthesis of the legal, technological, economic, managerial issues of the changes in progress and future. This colloquium the point of achievement of a five-year Maritime Law European Research programme that began on March 1, 2014 and is part of the 5th Work Package. It will be followed by the publication of a book in English and French on the complexity of ocean law, oriented towards the conservation of the marine environment. New activities at sea are conditioned to the protection of the environment. The book will then be available in open access 6 months after its publication on HAL SHS, a link will be available on our website on the "Publications and WP5" page.

4 themes will be declined around:

  • Seabed (continental shelves and international zone),
  • Water column (biodiversity and high seas), offshore activities (synthesis on fishing),
  • Trade, Marine Renewable Energy (MRE),
  • Protection of the marine environment in a highly legal approach (principles of environmental law, regional conventions, EU law).
Scientific Committee: Patrick Chaumette, professor at the University of Nantes; José Manuel Sobrino Heredia of the University of A Coruña; Marie-Pierre Lanfranchi of the University of Aix Marseille; Nathalie Ros of the University of Tours; Victor Luis Gutiérrez Castillo of the University of Jaén; Erik Røsæg, professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Oslo; Franck Schoefs, professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Director of the University Institute of the Sea and Littoral (IUML), University of Nantes; Leonardo Estrela Borges, professor at the Brazilian Institute of Public Law.
Mis à jour le 05 septembre 2018.