Seafarers: an international labour market in perspective


The first Work Package of this European Project involves the publication of a reference book about maritime employment, seafarers, changes in working conditions and in professional practices and the legal framework notably with regard to the implementation of 2006 ILO Maritime Labour Convention (2006 MLC). New perspectives should be addressed. The emphasis will be put on merchant shipping as well as industrial fishing. It might be difficult to include the diversity of other fisheries (coastal or small-scale fishing)

The book project presents a thematic and balanced approach about the situation of the world fleet and seafarers' work conditions. It should include an economic synthesis and a global sociological approach. The diversity of legal status of the workers at sea must be defined even though the research project HUMAN SEA plans ahead more precisely these issues.

Various contributions will focus on the choice of flag State, manning agencies, Port State Control regional Memorandums, the dialogue between the social partners including the International Bargaining Forum negotiations.

Other contributions will address the working conditions, seafarers' well being in navigation or in port, transit and transfer of seafarers and identity documents issues, questions about social protection, accidents on board and old age pensions, training, management of professional careers and onshore activities, women working conditions...

The legal part of the book will discuss IMO and ILO conventions, the development of international standards, regional legal frameworks or the Port State Control regional Memorandums.

The implementation of the 2006 and 2007 ILO Conventions on maritime labour and work in fishing led to numerous national reports, highlighting an institutional approach, the modernization of state laws and difficulties arising from the three-party government process. A comparative approach will endeavour to do the synthesis of these national analyses, in order to draw up proposals.



The book will be published in English; each contribution should preferably be submitted in French or in English.

The paper proposals (1-2 pages) should be accompanied by a list of recent publications of the author(s), linked to the themes of the book. Please send your abstract before September 5, 2014, to

The scientific Board will answer not later than September 30, 2014.

Final paper must be submitted before June 30, 2015 (max. 30 000 signs). The publication of the book is scheduled for December 2015.

Scientific Board

Patrick Chaumette, Professor of Social and Labour Law, University of Nantes (France); Patrice Guillotreau, Professor Economics, University of Nantes ; Iliana Christodoulou-Varotsi, Doctor in Law, specialist consultant, Lloyd's Maritime Academy, London; Olga Fotinopoulou-Basurko, Professor of Labour Law and Social Security Law, University of the Basque Country, Spain; Cédric Leboeuf, Doctor in Law, University of Nantes.
Mis à jour le 21 mai 2014.