Human Sea Collection WP1 - Seafarers

Human Sea First Book Collection

Seafarers: an international labour market in perspective

Gens de mer : un marché international du travail

Patrick Chaumette (Coordinator) 


Generalities, Patrick Chaumette, professeur, CDMO, université de Nantes, Principal Investigator of European Programme ERC No. 370440, Human Sea

Chapter 1 - Shortage and labour productivity on the global seafaring market, Corinne Bagoulla et Patrice Guillotreau, LEMNA, université de Nantes, France

Chapter 2 - Psychosocial risks of the Seafarers, Rosa Mary de La Campa Portela, universidad de A Coruña, Spain and María Encarnación Gil Pérez, universidad de Castilla y La Mancha, España

Chapter 3 - The feminisation of maritime activities in France. Being a seafarer and a woman: gender, community and representations?, Hélène Maulion et Gwenaele Proutière-Maulion, CDMO, université de Nantes, France

Chapter 4 - The evolution of the Law and the impact it has on ship crews and other stakeholder's safety, Jonathan Ruillé, LEMNA, université de Nantes, France, Marie-Thérèse Neuilly et Xavier Michel, RESECUM, France (chapter in French)

Global Seafarers and Norms

Chapter 5 - A delicate balance: The seafarers' employment agreement, the system of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 and the role of flag States, Moira L. McConnell, Schulich School of Law, Marine & Environmental Law Institute, Dalhousie University, Canada

Chapter 6 - Fostering and monitoring the implementation of the 2006 Maritime Labour Convention - Feedback on the missions conducting in Western and Central Frenchspeaking Africa, Alexandre Charbonneau, COMPTRASEC, université de Bordeaux, France (chapter in French)

Chapter 7 - Social certification on board merchant ships, security for seafarers' rights?, Emmanuel Cornée, ENSM Le Havre, France, Awa Sam Lefebvre, ENSM Nantes, France (chapter in French)

Chapter 8 - The Ship Master and the Maritime Labour Convention, François Mandin, CDMO, université de Nantes, France

Chapter 9 - The role manning of agencies or the seafarer's recruitment in the maritime employment market, Olga Fotinopoulou Basurko, universidad del País Vasco, España

Chapter 10 - The results and future of an international and collective negotiation-ITF policies in maritime transport, Alexandre Charbonneau, COMPTRASEC, université de Bordeaux, France (chapter in French)

Chapter 11 - The ILO's Seafarers' Identity Documents Convention (Revised), 2003 (n° 185) after more than a decade: Ahead of its time or case of good intentions gone wrong?, Moira L. McConnell, Schulich School of Law, Marine & Environmental Law Institute, Dalhousie University, Canada

European Approach

Chapter 12 - Social norms onboard vessels flying European Union flags: the return to coastal states?, Sandrine Drapier, Thémis, université du Maine, France
(chapter in French)

Chapter 13 - The European Union and the international rights of seafarers, Sophie Gambardella, CERIC-CNRS UMR DICE, Aix-Marseille université, France (chapter in French)

Chapter 14 - Maritime labour suppliers and European Union law, Sylvain Mercoli, Centre Jean BODIN de l'université d'Angers, France (chapter in French)

Chapter 15 - European social law of seafarers: between common market and substantive law, Olga Fotinopoulou Basurko, Universidad del País Vasco, España

Chapter 16 - The jurisprudential construction of maritime social law based on the usual place of employment, Gwenaele Proutière-Maulion, CDMO, université de Nantes, France (chapter in French)

Mis à jour le 31 janvier 2019.