Research Team

Principal Investigator : Patrick CHAUMETTE, Professor of Labour Law and Maritime Law, University of Nantes


- Dominique GAURIER History of the Law, University of Nantes

- Gwenaele PROUTIERE-MAULION EU Fisheries Law, University of Nantes

- François MANDIN Maritime Sports Law, University of Nantes

- Valérie BORE EVENO Law of Sea, University of Nantes

- Odile DELFOUR International Public Law, Environnemental Law and Law of the Sea, University of Nantes

- Frantz MYNARD, History of Law, Water Law, University of Nantes

- Cédric LEBOEUF, Post Doctoral Fellow Human Sea, PhD in Maritime Law at the University of Nantes

- Jonathan RUILLE, Post Doctoral Fellow Human Sea, PhD in Management at the University of Nantes

- Raphaël VIANNA, Post Doctoral Fellow Human Sea, PhD in Law at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

- Danilo GARCIA, Post Doctoral Fellow Human Sea, PhD in Law at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

- Florian THOMAS, PhD in Law at the University of Nantes

PhD Students

- Gaëtan BALAN : "The commitment of the European Union in the fight against illegal activities at sea"

- Yann TEPHANY : "The fight against illegal activities at sea"

Associated Scholars

- Patrice GUILLOTREAU, Prof. Economics, University of Nantes

- Thomas VALLEE, Prof. Economics, LEMNA Director, University of Nantes

- Jean-Paul PANCRACIO, Prof. International Law, University of Poitiers

- Gwendoline GONSAELES, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Antwerpen, Belgium

- James KRASKA, Prof. International Law, Center for Oceans Law and Policy at the University of Virginia School of Law, United States
- Iliana CHRISTODOULOU-VAROTSI, Doctor in Law, specialised consultant, Lloyd's Maritime Academy, London, UK
- Olga FOTINOPOULOU BASURKO, PhD in Law of the Basque Country University (2004). Thesis: "Seafarers' employment contract: An analysis of the relevant Legislation". Senior Lecturer, Labour Law, Social Security Law, University of the Basque Country, Spain. Human Sea researcher welcome from February 1 to June 30, 2015. Coordinator of the Spanish Maritime Labour Law Network "MWW".
- Béatrice SCHÜTTE, PhD degree in Law, Aarhus University, Denmark (2014). "Employer's Liability - Quo Vadis? A Comparative Analysis and the Proposal of a normative European Standard". Human Sea researcher welcome from May 2 to June 30, 2017 and from February 1 to March 31, 2018.
- Kristoffer SVENDSEN, PhD in Law, Arctic University of Norway (2015). Thesis: "Compensable damage ex delicto as a result of harm in the Barents Sea caused by petroleum spills from offshore installations. A Norwegian and Russian comparative legal analysis of conflict of laws, the concept of harm, losses suffered by third parties, and environmental damage and its valuation and calculation, caused by petroleum spills from offshore oil rigs and installations in the Barens Sea." Human Sea researcher welcome from June 1 to 30, 2017 and June 18 to 22, 2018.
- Federica MUSSO, PhD in International Law and European Union, Macerata University, Italy (2015). Thesis: "The use of armed force by regional organisations." Human Sea researcher welcome from June 12 to July 11, 2017 and October 1-31, 2017.
- Peter LANGLAIS, PhD in Law, Paris II Panthéon-Assas University (2016). Thesis: "Maritime safety and European Union law. " Human Sea researcher welcome from September 1 to October 31, 2017.

- Xosé Manuel CARRIL VÁZQUEZProfessor of Labour Law and Social Security at the University of A Coruña (Galicia, Spain) will be welcome for a 1-month research visit in May 2018.
He is also part of the Spanish Maritime Labour Law Network Maritime Work Watch "MWW".
Mis à jour le 25 juillet 2018.