International experts in Nantes for a new Ocean Law
  • Du 15 octobre 2018 au 17 octobre 2018
    Plenary Session and International Junior Conference, 15 and 16 October 2018 at La Cité, Nantes Events Center
    National Junior Conference, 17 October 2018 at Amphitheater Simone Weil Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Ange-Guépin, Nantes
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  • Transforming the ocean law by requirement of the marine environment conservation

    La transformation du droit de l’océan par l'exigence de conservation de l'environnement marin.

The Human Sea ERC European programme, of the University of Nantes, organized its final Colloquium in Nantes, from October 15th to 17th, 2018. An event that brought together the best international experts in the field of the Sea and Maritime Law and the Marine Environment Conservation in particular. More than 40 experts from 15 countries were present.

Supported by the University of Nantes, the Human Sea programme is based on the Observation that the development of Human activities at Sea leads to a transformation of the Law of the Sea and Maritime Law. The aim of the project is to study International Law with regard to the new uses of the Marine space and the Perspectives of evolution of these. The researchers involved in the project aim to recast the Law of the Sea and Maritime Law, towards the future Law of the Ocean.

During three days, the Colloquium addressed several themes:
  • The Seabed (continental shelf and International zone),
  • The Water column (Biodiversity and High seas),
  • Activities at Sea (synthesis on Fishing, Trade, Renewable Marine Energies),
  • The Protection of the Marine Environment in a strongly legal approach (principles of Environmental Law, Regional conventions, EU Law).
This Colloquium will also culminate with the publication of a Book in English, Spanish and French, dealing with the complexity of the Law concerning the Oceans, now oriented towards the  Marine Environment Conservation. New activities at Sea are conditioned by the Protection of their Environment. The book will then be available in open access 6 months after its publication. The purpose of the Colloquium is to attempt a synthesis of the Legal, Technological, Economic and Managerial issues of the Changes in progress and to come.
Mis à jour le 14 mai 2021.