Maritime areas: control and prevention of illegal traffics at sea

The Human Sea Research European Program, ERC Advanced Grant 2013, led by Professor Patrick Chaumette, has just published its second Human Sea book.

Marine areas give rise to various illegal activities at sea: piracy and robbery, human trafficking and illegal immigration, drug trafficking, illegal fishing. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982, Montego Bay, provides various legal regimes of state intervention at sea, resulting by the establishment of cooperation mechanisms. The evolution of the threat and risk monitoring techniques questions historically interstate practices and today, call upon new players and private services. The book contemplates the fight against piracy, against drug trafficking, against human trafficking, as well as against illegal fishing through the different legal regimes.

Human Sea - It is necessary to make the sea more human. The development of human activities at sea - What legal framework? The European research program, ERC Advanced Grant No. 340770 in 2013, directed by Professor Patrick CHAUMETTE, University of Nantes, deals with technological developments and their consequences on maritime activities, on the Law of the sea and maritime law.

Mis à jour le 14 May 2021.